1. Eligibility

The competition is open to all amateur photographers only:

For the purposes of this competition an amateur photographer is defined as someone who has not earned more than $4000 per year from stills photography in any 12 month period in the last five years, at the time of entry. This includes earnings from photo sales; photo education and tours; commercial work; and competition prize money.

2. The Strolling Earth Best Travelling Photo Competition is open to all amatuer photgraphers. Prizes will be presented in the form of an Amazon gift voucher. Strolling Earth and its affiliated organisations are not liable or accountable to provide any other form of compensation should the winner not be able to redeem the Amazon gift voucher.

3. Price is per entry. Entry fees are as follows: 
Early bird: $20 (entries received by May 10 2018) 
Late: $30 (entries received between May 10 2018 and May 30 2018) 

4. Images must have been taken between after June 2016. 

8. An entrant may enter as many times as he/she likes, however he/she may not enter the same image multiple times. Each entry must be accompanied by a an entry fee. 

5. For the purposes of this competition, a 'travelling photo' is defined as a photograph taken of a place (landscape, cityscape, building, monument, urban location (eg restaurant, park, etc). For the purposes of this competition, 'Landscape' is defined as outdoor images of the natural environment and 'Cityscape' is defined of images of the built environment.

6. Digital manipulation: Adjustments may be made to cropping, noise, sharpness, colour, tone and contrast, including dodging and burning and black-and-white conversions. Stitched panoramas, focus stacks and HDR images are also allowed. The organisers reserve the right to disqualify an image if they feel it lacks authenticity due to over-manipulation.

7. The entrant must be the creator of any images he/she enters into the competition. 

8. The entrant must be the copyright owner of any images he/she enters into the competition.

9. All post-production and editing must be the work of the entrant.

10. Each photographer retains copyright of his or her images. The entrant provides Strolling Earth with a limited-use authorisation to display, print, and distribute their photographs for the sole purpose of promoting Strolling Earth journey stories, Strolling Earth travel publications. Images will be credited with the name of the photographer when used in any form of publication.

11. Closing date for entries is midnight, Wednesday 30 May 2018.

12. Entry fees are non-refundable.

13. Images entered should be at least 2000px on the longest edge and no greater than 5MB.

14. Entries will be shortlisted and the winner chosen by contributors of Strolling Earth listed on the Strolling Earth Website.

15. The judges' decisions are final and no further correspondence will be entered into.

16. The winners, runners-up and finalists will be announced on Strolling Earth Facebook and Instagram pages on June 8 2018.

22. The prizes cannot be bartered and are not redeemable for cash.

23. By entering images into this competition the entrant guarantees to Strolling Earth that all of the above entry requirements have been met.

24. The entrant indemnifies Strolling Earth or any of its bodies corporate against any claim, legal or otherwise, that may arise out of publication of the images.

25. Employees of Strolling Earth, including staff and current freelance writers, are not permitted to enter the competition.