Florence - The city of Art

Florence is an amaxing mixture of medieval streets, fantastic art and architecture. With amazing galleries like Accademia and Uffizi, stunning palaces like Vecchio and Pitti. The Florence stroll commences at the Leonardo Da Vinci Museum, a celebration of his scientific endeavours.
The next stop on our journey is the Galleria dell Accademia the home of Michelangelo's sculptures Prisoners (or Slaves), St. Matthew and, above all, the magnificent statue of David. Book your tickets online to ensure you can visit all the galleries and key sites on a timetable that matches your schedule.
From the Accademia the stroll takes in the beautiful Duomo with its amazing gothic architecture.
Florence's cathedral stands tall over the city with its magnificent Renaissance dome designed by Filippo Brunelleschi, with the baptistery right across. The cathedral named in honor of Santa Maria del Fiore is a vast Gothic structure built on the site of the 7th century church of Santa Reparata, the remains of which can be seen in the crypt. Entrance is free, but don't forget to climb up to the very top of the cupola.
Next our stroll takes us to the Piazza della Signora with its amazing sculptures, the Uffizi gallery and the Palacio Vecchio. The Palazzo Vecchio, has been the symbol of the civic power of Florence for over seven centuries. Allow time to wander the halls of the Uffizzi and to climb to the top of the tower at the Palazzo Vecchio, the views of Florence are amazing.
Crossing the Ponte Vecchio and the Arno River the next stop on the stroll is the stunning Palazzo Pitti and the beautiful Boboli and Bardini, with the amzing views of Florence. Leaving the gardens we head to the Roman Amphitheatre of Florence.
The Roman Amphitheatre of Florence was an ancient Roman structure in Florence, central Italy. It was located between Piazza dei Peruzzi, Via De' Bentaccordi and Via Torta; in these streets, you can see its remains. Finally we stroll a short distance to the Piazza di Santa Croce with its gothic church and great examples of medieval architecture.
The Journey
Make your way to the Leonardo Da Vinci Museum after you have spent time at the Museum, walk north-east on Via Camillo Cavour towards Via Guelfa. Turn right onto Via degli Alfani and then turn left onto Via Ricasoli, The Galleria dell'Accademia is on your right about 60 meters from the corner.
On leaving the Galleria dell'Accademia walk south-west on Via Ricasoli towards Piazza delle Belle Arti, and follow Via Ricasoli for about 400 meters. The Piazza del Duomo is ahead on the right.
Leaving the Piazza del Duomo head south on onto Via dei Calzaiuoli and walk south about 130 meters.Turn right onto Via degli Speziali and head into the Piazza della Repubblica. Head out of the Piazza on Via degli Speziali and turn right onto Via dei Calzaiuoli and walk about 180 meters to the Piazza della Signoria.
Leaving the Piazza della Signoria turn right onto Via Vacchereccia, turn left onto Via Por Santa Maria and head down and across to the Ponte Vecchio.
Leaving Ponte Vecchio head straight and continue onto Via de' Guicciardini, continue onto Piazza de' Pitti and then turn left towards Viale della Meridiana and follow this around and into the The Boboli Gardens.
Leave the Boboli Gardens near the Forte de Belevedere and walk around the fort and into Giardino Bardini. Walk through the gardens and exit at the bottom of the garden through visitors center. Turn right out of the vistors center onto Via di Bardi and then turn left onto Piazza dè Mozzi and across the Ponte alle Grazie and continue onto Via dei Benci. Turn left onto Piazza dei Peruzzi and then slight right onto Via De' Bentaccordi and turn right onto Borgo dei Greci, the Anfiteatro Romano di Firenze is on the left.
Walk east on Borgo dei Greci towards Via dei Benci and turn left onto Via dei Benci the Piazza di Santa Croce is across the street.